
There is a problem that is growing in the country – side.


Small builders are not only a danger to the public with this problem but a danger to themselves as they are not wearing any protection. OK do a cocky laugh and say its an old mans disease –but they take it home on their clothes and their poor wives or girlfriends have to wash their clothes and their children cuddle them as they arrive home.
20/30 years time they will be wondering how they could possible have Mesothelioma as they start coughing and get a pain in the Lung.

My vet had seen more Mesothelioma than my GP which even means the dogs as they sniff around are picking up the fibers.
Flytipping of asbestos waste one local district council received 50 reports of flytipping incidents, which increased by more than a quarter (63) the following month. Recently, the incidence of illegal dumping of waste, including quantities of asbestos materials, have followed in quick succession across the UK.

The Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) has highlighted that flytipping, nationwide, had increased by nearly a fifth, year on year. Over a 12 month period, 900,000 cases of fly-tipping in England alone were recorded – up by 5.6 per cent (DEFRA). While a third of all incidents consisted of a small van load of materials or less, nearly 6 per cent consisted of construction, demolition and excavation waste.

Penalties still seem unable to deter offenders

In July 2014, the maximum fine for flytipping was increased to £95,000 for individuals, £3 million for companies and a possible jail sentence of three years. However, between 2014 and 2015, it was reported that local authorities carried out 1,810 prosecutions against waste offenders in England. (House of Commons Briefing Paper, May 2016). In South Derbyshire, the local council had to clean up after nearly 500 incidents of fly-tipping, alone. In May this year, the government granted local authorities to also issue penalty notices of between £150 and £400 to anyone caught in the act of fly-tipping.

I don’t feel the fines are hard enough it really should be treated as a criminal offence when the tipping includes Asbestos.
Asbestos kills and has to be treated with care and protection of the public should be the concern.

dumped as


The problem is world-wide as more and more Asbestos is being removed It killed when Putting in and it will kill now its being taken out. An Auckland fly-tipper has dumped a Flexi Bin full of potentially hazardous material near where children play.

The Flexi Bin bag, filled with household rubbish and broken tiles, was dumped on Wednesday morning at the end of Rika Rd in Pt England. An Auckland resident, who only wanted to be known as Casper, said he was concerned about the safety of children because he believed the skip bag contained asbestos.


Asbestos found in rubbish piles dumped in Great Bromley sparking warning to fly-tippers. Tendring District Council teams were called to Park Road and Mary Lane North in Great Bromley last week to clean up two serious incidents of fly-tipping. Bosses said the small village, which is near Colchester, has been “blighted” by the crimes.

General waste and a significant amount of asbestos was discovered in the first pile in Park Road last Tuesday.

Specialist teams are to be brought in to tackle it and the council must fork out more than £3,000 to clear it away.

How could they go to a lovely place in the Isle Of Wright and dump there?

Well someone did ASBESTOS was dumped at an Isle of Wight beauty spot this week.

Three one-tonne bags of the material, which can cause the incurable industrial cancer Mesothelioma, were dumped near a lay-by on the Downs Road, overlooking Newchurch.
The fly-tipping was reported to the Isle of Wight Council, which informed Island Roads, who sent a specialist to confirm the material was asbestos


Yet if they catch they only seem to fine £400 etc it really does need to be sorted and really hit hard when they catch people out. Sometimes people have seen it happen so take a photo of the Vehicle or the men doing it. Sometimes a clue is left, a receipt, a note , anything could lead back but mostly there isn’t any clues. and our countryside is suffering.

I checked HSE and I worry about their advice I feel it should say Always call in the experts but I suppose there is the problem of who would pay.

Removing fly tipped waste containing asbestos

  • Use the right kit: Wear a disposable, correctly fitted FFP3 face mask and Type 5 disposable overalls
  • Wear the overalls one size too big and put the legs over the top of footwear
  • Do not re-use disposable overalls and masksKeep dust down
  • For small amounts of waste, mix 8 parts water with 1 part washing up liquid in a garden sprayer and dampen the waste
  • Pick up large pieces and put in to a plastic sack without breaking. If they do not fit, double wrap in plastic sheet and seal with duct tape
  • Use a rake and shovel to collect smaller pieces and put in the plastic sack
  • Larger areas of waste will need specialist removal. In the meantime, cover the waste securely with plastic sheeting and peg down with tent pegs. Stick asbestos warning stickers to it
  • Secure the area until it is removed

Contact the local council or get a licensed contractor to remove large areas of fly-tipped waste

The simple steps outlined in this leaflet are not enough to protect against all risks from asbestos. For more information visit http://www.hse.gov.uk/asbestos

Clean up properly:

  • Use a damp cloth to clean tools and the area. Put the used cloth in the plastic sack
  • Do not use a domestic vacuum cleaner or a brush as these will spread asbestos fibres into the air
  • Double bag all waste including masks, overalls and cloths in plastic sacks, seal with tape and label as asbestos waste
  • Contact the local tips in your area to find one that accepts asbestos waste

The simple steps outlined above are not enough.