Such a sad day today.


We have had to say Goodnight to Lou Williams. She is Australian and has had a wonderful life traveling around the world and living in European countries.

Although she talked and shared her blog she was in fact a very private person. We never got to know the true Lou.

She had asked me how to write a blog and I helped her to start one

In 2013 where one of her writings was about the regrowth.

She kept beating the disease but it always grew back Her famous words were, ‘never, never give up.’ We never will xx

Thursday, February 7, 2013

After one lost blog of a couple of year’s ago I have finally started a new one and this is my first entry!  Every morning when I wake up and ask myself what is on my list of things to do today – make a blog pops up always and I remind myself ‘today is the day’! However up until now it has been in the too hard basket.

Not sure what I will write in this blog as so much has happened over the last few years, in particular with mesothelioma and asbestos. Random thoughts I will jot down from time to time and try to put dates to these thoughts. Depending on how exhausted I am will also determine how much blogging that I do.

A slow start for today – I woke at 7am and couldn’t lie in bed any longer, got up, fed our beautiful siamese cat Charlie with his brekkie (free range chicken that he loves), made a cuppa of green tea and toast for myself then sat in the comfortable chair/lounge room and watched an hour of the Today Show on TV to get the latest headlines and also see if it will be a high fire danger day here – yes it is a high fire danger day here with winds expected to turn around later today.  Luckily there are not major outbreaks of fires close by, although there have been a few started by ‘nutters’ – most of these have been able to be contained thanks to the dedication of our CFA (Country Fire Association) members and volunteers.

I am still on this computer at 10am!  The time goes so quickly when I am on here, checking Facebook, emails, replying to emails etc – all of which I love doing.  Shower time now, a drive up to Mt Macedon and the general store/cafe/post office to get our post box mail and no doubt stop and have a chat/coffee with friends while sitting outside under the shade of the beautiful Silver Birch trees watching the antics of the black birds pecking the ground for any crumbs of food they can scrounge, plus watching the wonderful display of old cars/bikes head up the Mount (Mount Macedon Road).

Later today – depending on whether it is safe to return home or if we need to evacuate due to the high fire warning will determine what the day brings!

Have a nice day/evening.

All the way through that’s how we knew Lou Always doing trips out and eating in such lovely little cafes and also more treatment.
Saturday 20 December (THE BAD DAY)
Saw specialist 10am. He said ‘Biopsy says most probably mesothelioma’. This specialist looked at us while trying to pronouce mesothelioma, said ‘I am so sorry it is very aggressive’, I looked at him and pronounced the word mesothelioma for him and said my dad died of this cancer in 1985 aged 54 years. Both Keith and myself were numb/dumbfounded of all the cancers I did not ever expect to get mesothelioma/asbestos cancer as I DID NOT WORK WITH IT like dad had done in the building industry!
This specialist referred us to my current oncologist ‘ Allan Zimet’ and arranged an urgent appointment for Monday with him.
After going home and just feeling totally numb, in shock and hugging each other on the bed not wanting to take in this news, not answering the phone because not wanting to tell family/friends my bad news, the spell was broken when my girlfriend Sue knocked on the bedroom window loudly and said ‘Lou open the door, I have your favourite muffins with me’ It was her way of saying ‘I am here to support you in every way’. While Sue made our cuppa and muffins, Keith returned family/friends phone calls/messages until I was stronger to ring myself later that evening.
When I went on Immunotherapy Lou asked me all about it and found she could go on Keytruda if she paid. I helped her Doctor on how much dosage I had and what I was finding in Side Effects.
Lou started her petition to get the drug on the free list and so many followed her paying so much for the drug.
It did work for most if only given them a few more months to be with their loved ones.
Then sadly we heard that Mesothelioma was taking over but she was strong in mind if not in body. Asbestos has won another victim today and we mourn the passing of a wonderful Mesothelioma Warrior.
I was so sad as I sat on the computer and then the telly was turned over to the news of a General Election churning out a load of talk that will go on and on until June the 8th. Ray said come on lets get out for a walk in the sun. We did and the wind blew fresh air into my Lungs and I did feel better.
Once home a van pulled up and a Lovely Bouquet of flowers was delivered.
It was from 12 Kings Bench all the group thanking Ray and I for speaking but they couldn’t have come at a better time and it bought a smile back to my face.
Thank you Harry and the team they are lovely.