——————- ———————————-2nd June 2009—————–
I’m feeling different today– that was some awful day yesterday. We have just got back from the hospital and the blood test is done and the chest Xray so it will all be ready for the Consultant on Monday. Apparently he will book me a CT Scan. I wonder if my Doctor might phone before that to give me some news etc. But today I feel positive again. You have to be when you see people worse off than yourself in the Hospital. A poor man with Asthma was struggling for breath and I said to Ray now that’s not being able to breath is all about. At least I have a bit more puff than him. When it was my turn I went to a cubicle and stripped and put a gown on and the nurse said “what have you done you could have left your pants and trousers on I’m only Xraying your chest” Doh We even had a meal in Weatherspoons —something we have never done. I have just told my neighbour and he said night or day let me run you if anything should happen –aren’t people lovely when you need them. I’m always there for him as he lives on his own. Well that’s day 2 When in hopital Ray wrote this to friends I’ve visited all day again today. She is so cheerful I cant believe her. She is one tough cookie. We hope as soon as she has a biopsy she can come home until they decide what, if any treatment to offer her. Still awaiting conclusive test results. Yes Mavis is a one in a million. Always there for everyone else with little or no concern for herself. Even in her current condition, she is carrying her discharge drain container around the ward sorting people’s problems, helping where she can. She never gives in. Regards, Ray