Well what a day. We didnt sleep and got up in the early hours disturbing Louis who then decided to go out in the garden to eat grass. After a coffee we went back and got another couple of hours sleep.

We then got up and Ray got Louis out for a walk and we settled down in front of BBC1 Sunday Politics. I was so worried wasnt I but I neednt have been Im so proud of the way they have put it together.

Tracey Crouch answered my email as I was asking if I didnt let her down and she was pleased with it.

Im very happy and relaxed now.










I look pastie in this one but I was putting the point over that Ray cant blame himself for anything it was the Government of the day.










The cameraman loved our boat on the window sill so he has sat us to show it off.










We sat On the settee and was reading as directed !!

Im getting so many emails of well done Im really busy now.

Tacey has said on her Facebook  -and I quote One of the issues with Mesothelioma is no-one really knows what it is or why the campaign for justice has been so important. Chatham Dockyard, and the heavy industries around Kent and the South East, means that we suffer the highest rates of Meso in the UK. It is a horrible, and usually fatal disease, which is only caused by exposure to asbestos. That is why I have campaigned passionately on this issue and why I was really pleased that the BBC Sunday Politics South East ran a piece this weekend, which included myself, Mark Reckless for Rochester & Strood and Meso sufferer Mavis Nye. You can watch the piece (around 40 mins into the show) at:http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b03pqcx2/Sunday_Politics_South_East_19_01_2014/

If you cant see BBC1 playback here is a video


Rays blog http://mesoandme.wordpress.com/2014/01/19/sunday-72/