I Had a letter from the Local Lions club inviting me to a fund raising –guess what, which charity — Meso UK. they saw me on Sunday on Telly Bless and her son- inlaw has just been diagnosed I will try and persuade him to join the Warriors but I was able to help on the phone for him to go and get a second opinion. You cant tell a young man in his 40’s that there is nothing for him. We have heard that so many times. So I will be going to a Murder Mystery evening in our local community centre.

Another friend has Emailed me (we have many people who dont want to be on Face Book so like Jan I have Mesowarriors that we keep in contact with and help as much as we can.

But I hate to see another warrior has gone over the Rainbow Bridge .

Hi Mavis,

I wanted to thank you for your time, advice and hope you provided through the passed 12 months.

Unfortunately we lost our father to mesothelioma on Sunday. I truly hope time is a healer.
Wishing you all the best in your continued fight. X

So sad as well as another sad day as Jan lost her battle this morning . Gosh it seems the world is crying as so many people have message d me and spoke on face book all about the wonder lady she was. It funny I went to bed knowing she was in her last sleep with her husband Gary and her to lovely dogs. But I couldnt sleep and then found I had been in and out of sleep. I woke up at 3 and gradually the room went cold and my nose felt funny as that was even colder. it warmed up at 4.30.

I put on face book when I found out at 7 that she had gone in peace. Then I found out she had died at 5.15. but her breathing had change about an hour before . I love that the thought that she might have passed by to say goodbye.

Later on my Facebook played up and put the things, I was writing on in our flower club, on about 3 or 4 times on one entry repeating itself. The other warriors in the club said it was ok on theirs. I said I know it was Debbie and Jan to let me know they had met up, well I love to know that they had and they would play as Debbie was like that .

So we say goodbye to Jan so sad xx

Photo: I just had to post this picture of Jan and one of  her big huge dogs she loved so much

Natashia put a lovely photo on I do love the word s

Fly away my angel,
Spread your wings and fly;
Take the beauty of your soul,
And share it with the sky.

 ☆  ☆  ☆  ☆

Take the warmth within your heart,
And put the sun to shame;
The glow of summer’s sunlight.
Will never be the same.

 ☆  ☆  ☆  ☆

Take the strength within your soul,
From your heart, the tenderness there;
Behold the majesty of the sky,
It’s beauty does not compare.

 ☆  ☆♥ ☆  ☆

Take the splendour of the stars,
That twinkle in the sky;
It fades in the matchless sparkle,
Of the beauty there in your eyes.

 ☆  ☆  ☆  ☆

Fly away my Angel,
For I have set you free;
I will wait here patiently,
Until you fly back to me. — with Jan Egerton in Heighington.














Rays Blog http://mesoandme.wordpress.com/2014/01/23/thursday-76/