We slept lovely last night back on our right places in the bed. How silly that you notice the difference. I did take extra drugs though so that was good.

Oh dear we have been told we are going to have this weather for another 2 months. I dont think our roofs will take all the high wind and we will be lucky to have all the slates on by summer.


The Salt marsh’s are getting better and the water has drained back for the lane so we shall see if the water can drain back after the next storm that is coming to blow us away at the weekend.

I think the pictures will be different then —During Friday we will see an Atlantic low pressure system start to make inroads across the UK. This will initially bring a spell of very wet and windy weather across much of the country during the course of Friday but as the rain bumps in to the colder air in the North of the UK we may see a temporary spell of sleet or snow to lower levels and above 300m we will see several hours of snowfall giving the risk of some localised disruption. There is also the risk during Saturday morning of showers turning wintry once again, perhaps to lower levels for a time too, though this is not currently expected to cause problems. – See more at: http://www.ukweatherforecast.co.uk/weather-watch-strong-winds-flooding/#sthash.yegK54q8.dpuf

We Did get out for a ride to the Station to buy the tickets for London Sunday, Ray went in and I walked with Louis round the road and then I stood and waited for Ray. I walked into the Carpark and Ray was there waiting for me. I didnt think he would be served that quick.

We went and did a bit of shopping and got home to the warm. ——-

I think the pictures will be different then —During Friday we will see an Atlantic low pressure system start to make inroads across the UK. This will initially bring a spell of very wet and windy weather across much of the country during the course of Friday but as the rain bumps in to the colder air in the North of the UK we may see a temporary spell of sleet or snow to lower levels and above 300m we will see several hours of snowfall giving the risk of some localised disruption. There is also the risk during Saturday morning of showers turning wintry once again, perhaps to lower levels for a time too, though this is not currently expected to cause problems. – See more at: http://www.ukweatherforecast.co.uk/weather-watch-strong-winds-flooding/#sthash.yegK54q8.dpuf

I have to share this with you, I know we dont always get the weather but just look at these places in UK. Im going to put this into our touring in the summer and have a look at our wonderful country.


Ancient Greece?

I missed this when we went to Cornwall.

There was a piece today in a Scientific paper.


Washington — People who smoke or have lung cancer should think twice about taking vitamin supplements, according to a Swedish study Wednesday that showed certain antioxidants may make tumors grow faster.

Lab mice that already had cancer were given vitamin E and a drug called acetylcysteine, which sped the growth of their tumors and made them die faster than mice that did not ingest supplements.

“Antioxidants caused a three-fold increase in the number of tumors and also tumor aggressiveness, and the antioxidants caused the mice to die twice as fast,” said study author Martin Bergo of the University of Gothenburg in Sweden.”If we gave a low dose, tumors increased a little bit. And if we gave a high dose, tumors increased a lot.”

Research on human lung cancer cells growing in a lab dish also showed that the antioxidants caused the cells to multiply faster than they would have alone, suggesting the same might happen in human patients.——————————————-

Just as Im using supplements. Nowadays we just dont know how to proceed, what is good and what is bad.

I think I have to stop playing around and eat my veggie meals and loads of fruit and loads of fresh vegetables although I have found out that Vitamins do not fade in cut fruit and Veg . Si you can buy a weeks shopping of them and keep them in the Veg box in the Fridge.

Rays Blog http://mesoandme.wordpress.com/2014/01/30/thursday-77/