
You need to build an ark I have built mine so only two by two and move along at the front !!!!

Its not really funny as we have had so much bad weather and we have so much more to come. Last Night it was awful. This morning we woke up as Hail was beating on the windows and I thought it was going to break the glass. Our lane is very flooded and is very deep by the bridge where the water runs off the Motorway.


Southern Water has taken the decision to start pumping sewage into the Nailbourne to relieve pressure on the sewers and prevent drains backing up into properties. This water has been partially treated and is highly diluted and is not thought to form a health risk, but people are advised not to let children and dogs play in the water

Warning notices have been posted along the Nailbourne from Bishopsbourne to Littlebourne.

If you’re driving in areas near the Nailbourne, take extra safety precautions because flood water could be on the road around any corner. This is particularly important at night when you won’t be able to see it.

Goodness that doesnt sound the right thing to do but I suppose if everywhere is flooded than sewage is getting to the waterways anyway.


Dawlish Station has really taken a hit and the rails have been caught in a landslide that ha left the rails hanging like a bridge.

Photo: House is on the verge of collapse!

PENINSULA leaders are demanding urgent action from the Government after storms again cut Plymouth’s railway link with the outside world.

Storm damage to the main railway line at Dawlish could cost the region’s economy more than £500million, David Parlby, chief executive of Plymouth Chamber of Commerce, warned.

The line along the coast at Dawlish was left suspended in mid-air after huge waves brought down about 80 metres of sea wall.

Network Rail said the line would remain closed until further notice.

Read more:

How bad and all because of rain. Nature sure knows how to surprise us.

Linda Reinstein has written a lovely piece for world cancer Day

The World Cancer Day website explains that February 4th, 2014 is a chance to raise our collective voices in the name of improving general knowledge around cancer and dismissing misconceptions about the disease.” This year’s theme is “Debunking the Myths.” Any Mesothelioma Warrior fighting this asbestos-caused cancer will tell you the biggest myth we struggle against every day: Many people think that asbestos has been banned in the USA. It has not. Asbestos kills 30 Americans every day and is still legal and lethal in our country, prevention remains the only cure.

asbestos, mesothelioma

Always relaying the dangers of Asbestos  -such a hard working Lady xx

So all in all I stayed in today. I just cannot walk against this sort of weather so I have stayed in.

Ray has bought me a box of 6 Bollywood films so I will stay in and watch them.