Western Morning Newsdawlish

We have been spending  ages looking at the photos of the floods in the SW but also everywhere is getting flooded now . How will they ever be able to rebuild the Main line to Carnwall and feel safe again I do not know. The must build it inland a bit more to make sure this doesnt happen again.

A great article was written here http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/jan/30/dredging-rivers-floods-somerset-levels-david-cameron-farmers

Assailed by angry farmers demanding dredging in the Somerset Levels, the environment secretary, Owen Paterson, broke with time-honoured protocol and said something sensible: “Dredging is often not the best long-term or economic solution and increased dredging of rivers on the Somerset Levels would not have prevented the recent widespread flooding.”

He went on to suggest something I never thought I would hear from his lips: “Also, we need to do more to hold water back, way back in the hills.”

That is the most sensible thing we have heard. At last they are talking about the real problem. The pulling down of trees makes the land unsafe when we have heavy rains. The biggest on though is the Rain Forest. We were warned and warned that hacking down the Rain Forest would upset the worlds balance. We are now paying for the ignorance of others not heeding the warnings.

The Mobile Homes’ we had considered in 2000 but changed our minds and we came to the East Kent, have had so much flooding.

John the plumber Helm leaves Little Venice Country Park and Marina

Staff finished evacuating the caravan park. Little Venice Country Park and Marina, Hempstead Lane, Yalding.

According to Kent Police, around 50 properties are still at risk of damage from flooding in Bridge, near Canterbury while The Little Venice Caravan Site in Yalding remains badly affected.

So the little villages around Canterbury are flooded.


Another set of Photographs for my friends in USA and the world are these they capture the pain of the floods.


Im sorry if Im reading like a news paper but this is my diary and these are the happenings that worry me and I care about. Just because Im ill doesnt mean I have given up my interest in the world, in fact its the opposite, Im finding I care more about what id going on around me. I have found a real interest in facts and figures, as if I need to fill my brain up to the full. As I believe we have come from the universes that are out of our reach and that when we die we go back, maybe I have to take back all my knowledge to share. No Im not mad just got a wild imagination —-but I could be right, you will never know!!!!

I keep talking about Meso and the trials and all the treatment I should be looking for but at the end of the day there is no treatment to find. So I have to enjoy and have a lovely life, fill it with good things and good people.

All the time they keep thinking along these lines —http://www.cancerresearchuk.org/cancer-help/trials/types-of-trials/about-randomised-trials#placebo We will get no where now that I need a cure now.

The placebo effect

Patients can also be biased. Many of us feel better if we believe we have taken something to make us feel better. Even if we’ve only taken a tablet made of chalk or sugar. This is called the placebo effect.

Phase 3 trials could compare a new treatment with no treatment at all. But then, the people getting the new treatment might feel better, even if the new treatment didn’t work. They would have the placebo effect. The people getting no treatment wouldn’t feel any better, of course. So, some trials compare a new treatment with a dummy treatment called a placebo. The dummy treatment looks exactly like the new treatment – for example, the same shape or colour of pill, or size of injection. The two groups of patients then cannot be biased, because they won’t know if they are getting the placebo or the new treatment.

A placebo is only used if there is no standard treatment available. The patients in the control group wouldn’t receive any treatment if they weren’t in the trial. So they are not missing out on treatment they would otherwise have had. It isn’t ethical to give a placebo to a group of people who really need a treatment for cancer. So the research ethics committee would not give permission for a trial designed in that way.


This how I feel and so I have backed Lord Saatchi on this bill

The Medical Innovation Bill, to be introduced by Lord Saatchi, is intended to help patients by allowing their doctors to be less constrained by clinical orthodoxy.

Single issue fanatics, whose fervent beliefs have no scientific merit, will still be reined in. But doctors who can make a reasonable case for a non-standard approach will be able to do so. Clearly they have to have the support of the patient. Also they must convince a scrutinising panel

The Medical Innovation Bill intends to make it easier to define what is sensible and permissible innovation and, by contrast, what is reckless experimentation.

It would do this by setting out a clear protocol to follow before offering the patient an innovative or experimental procedure.

Under the bill, the lead clinician must consult with, and gain approval from, a multi-disciplinary team. Without approval, the innovation cannot be legally offered.

Im afraid I dont believe that if I was taking a Placebo I would still feel well. I could have been on a Placebo (I wont know for another year) But I knew the pain in my left Lung was hurting and I my voice wasn’t normal —I don’t truly believe you can not fool a terminal ill person. We think positive but not that positive and my Scan showed my inner thoughts were right.

Well Ray has come back from a very cold and windy walk with Louis and Louis is waiting for a Coc Drop as he does every morning ,when I ask Have you been a good boy.

So I will sign off keep safe everyone. Here in UK from the wind and floods and Australia from the from the Fires and heat.