A busy week this week

As Monday was a bank holiday I went to the Marsden on Tuesday.

The traffic was so bad so many lorries going past.

Then the Marsden was so busy as they tried to catch up. I was in a bed with 3 other women in the room so it was a very chatty day.

My veins played up though and the canula that was fitted in the morning was bent by the time my drug came up. I had so many nurses trying to get a new one in. Crazy!!!

I put on facebook

The worse day at the Marsden My drug didnt come up until 4pm then even with a vein finder Im a pin cushion and 6 people couldnt find my veins We got home at 8.15pm what a day I hate Bank Holiday pile ups and I have another one coming up at the end of May.

We were shattered when we got home but we had to get up early to go back to London and to a MNF board meeting. It was a very heavy on with so much to talk about. Then we had a meeting with Erase Meso Paul Cook and his lovely wife. We talked about how we could help each other and work together.

We got home late again and then it was up and back to London for The 12 kings Bench Walk’s Annual Asbestos Seminar at The Barbican. We had lots of problems finding the right entrance and wished we had got a taxi. We really must be aware we cant walk far and got out of our depth a bit but arrive we did and had a great time mixing with our Friends.

The Seminar is very professional and its very interesting to be able to hear how law plays a part in claims. etc etc

Annual Asbestos Seminar 2019 Final Slides (1)

We got home late again and yesterday- Friday – I chilled right out but poor Ray had to get the Motorhome MOT’d

It passed though so we are very relieved although Ray had a lot of messing around with having to get tyres pumped up and a faulty valve had to be changed.