We travelled the same way as if to the Royal Marsden but turned to the left not right at J8.

We came to the pretty town of Reigate and then on to Ironsbottom Sidlow.

The gates were shut so there was a queue waiting to get in.

We soon were sipping a drink and greeting people.

So the day began.

Rebecca Crosland BESA Health and Safety Advisor spoke very professionally. She really knows her job and gave a great talk on Asbestos in South Africa  and then her work here in the UK.


  • The properties of asbestos and its effects on health, including the increased risk of developing lung cancer for asbestos workers who smoke
  • The types, uses and likely occurrence of asbestos and asbestos materials in buildings and plant
  • The general procedures to deal with an emergency, e.g. an uncontrolled release of asbestos dust into the workplace
  • How to avoid the risk of exposure to asbestos
  • Asbestos Video clip

  • FACE FIT PRESENTATION was given by Paul Chamberlin-We Fit RPE Ltd (Fit to fit accredited)
  • Why RPE must be able to provide adequate protection for individual wearers.
  • Why RPE can’t protect the wearer if it leaks.
  • A major cause of leaks is poor fit – Why tight-fitting face pieces need to fit the wearer’s face to be effective.
  • The daily shave and employment contracts
  • Why fit testing will ensure that the equipment selected is suitable for the wearer.
  • Delegates will be able to try the masks and find out why face fit testing is vitally important.
  • A practical face fit session Always enjoy Pauls presentations he is so dedicated to keeping peoples lungs safe.

Then it was us Ray and Mavis Nye Presentation A mesothelioma Asbestos Journey

It all seemed to go down so well and we did enjoy the hospitality but a little secret — Paul put the wrong presentation on for us as we used his computer. That truly throws you so remind me to make sure that doesn’t happen again xx

Beccy was so kind as to Donate £100 to MNfoundation  and James Johnson of J&L ASBESTOS RECRUITMENT Gave a handsome Donation. It always makes me feel so humble when this happens peoples kindness amaze me.

Thank you to all those that donated we will do so much for research into Mesothelioma together.
