
Yesterday was a day split in two halves of relaxing in the morning, working on the computer and a bit of housework then getting ready to go to my favourite city in all the world.

Well Mum was.

We had a meeting of the Mesothelioma UK Advisory Board of which I’m and Advisor.

It was held at Field Fisher Offices where a warm welcome is always offered.

It is by The Monument, a fluted Doric column, raised to commemorate the Great Fire of London, was designed by Wren, who, as usual, was thwarted in his original intentions. It stands 202 feet from the site of the baker’s house in Pudding Lane where the fire first broke out.



So our meeting was very productive as we went through all the business in hand.

Support Groups now in Woking Surrey Plymouth and Cornwall for Mesothelioma Patients and Carers to attend.

The 13th Mesothelioma UK Nurse has been appointed but please contact a CNS in any Cancer hospital as they will give you all the info we need as well. We must raise more funding so we can get a Mesouk Nurse in every Hospital.

There is the delicate problem of Legacies ie leaving money in our wills to MesoUK. Macmillan’s do well on this so I will raise the point in my speech at the Lawyers Conference for Global Asbestos  Awareness week. I was very nervous of this but have found so many people I know will be there so I’m relaxing now and really looking forward to this tomorrow.

So the time soon passed and I had to say goodbye to Mesowarriors and MesoUK and we travelled home just before the rush hour.

Today is a day of resting and getting ready for tomorrow.