We were off again to London again yesterday. The woman in the ticket office at Whitstable Station always asks where we are going as she said she loves our fascinating life.
We were travelling to, as I thought, a meeting at Portcullis House Westminster.

I never knew there was over the Westminster Underground Station such a place. I have never looked up as I’m rushing across the road to Big Ben.

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We had arrived at security early so Ray was able to walk around and look at all the art on the walls.

Everyone arrived and the it was mentioned they were so pleased I had come and looking forward to my talk. MT TALK!! no one had mentioned that fact. I cant believe that I was able to tell it from memory and it was far more friendly with me not reading from notes.

I now know that with the new presentation Ray has worked out for me it is going to work so much better.

I spoke about my article on my Dear friend Tess and the Brent Report and Gill Reed that had spoken of the report that fired me up was there listening to me.

I was asked far more questions than normal and I really enjoyed taking part.

We carried on discussing all the problems of Asbestos In Schools and how we can get through to parents without causing alarm. Its not easy but it must be done so here is our contribution.

Children are good at taking in these warnings as I sad like the stop smoking. So many children told their parents off for smoking and that was great as the figures have gone down.
JUAC National Conference: Asbestos in schools: revealing the hidden killer

Tuesday 4 July 2017 

10.30am – 3.30pm  Registration from 10.00am

Hillscourt Conference Centre, Rose Hill, Rednal, Birmingham B45 8RS

“This conference, organised by the Joint Union Asbestos Committee (JUAC), is the first to take place about
asbestos, the hidden killer in our schools. To learn more, join our expert speakers including Rachel Reeves MP,
asbestos campaigners, trade unions, medical practitioners, the Health and Safety Executive and the
Department for Education.”


asbestos in schools meet

I didn’t know that after 74 you don’t have to put your Occupation down when claiming so therefor the figures are not correct in the statistic’s for Occupations.

Protect our children and teachers from asbestos exposure in schools – Petition

Please put your voice to the petition for Lucie.

To: Justine Greening, Secretary of State for Education
Protect our children and teachers from asbestos exposure at school
Parents have a right to know where Asbestos is in the school ask to see the Asbestos Register
This was such a Lively meeting and I’m so pleased I had the opportunity to attend.
The journey home was good and we arrived home at 7pm tired and happy