
Yesterday we travelled to Canterbury to a LASAG Meeting. We were early as usual but we meet up with the smiling trio and caught up on news as the others all started to arrive.

It is a happy bunch and there were new people joining. In.

We had a really interesting talk from  A Dietician and talked about loosing our appetite’s mainly when having Chemo. I learnt a lot, and tasted the milk drinks they give to you when you can’t eat. They were very nice.

So a good afternoon with lots of discussion these meetings are going to be interesting.

This morning was an early start and a drive to the Marsden for scan results.

A nervy time as you could come home very happy but also very sad depending on results. But after a blood test then a wait until I was called into the examination  room and in came a lovely Oriental doctor.

I haven’t seen him before but now only going every 2 months that is what it is like.

He said that the scan was still the same no change and he said that they are finding when it works it is working for a long time.

I asked about my high potassium but the blood result wasn’t good it had hemobolised  He didn’t seem worried so we said our goodbyes I made appointment for 2 months time and came home.


The National Comprehensive Cancer Network® (NCCN®) recently updated their treatment guidelines for malignant pleural mesothelioma.

The NCCN, a not-for-profit alliance of 27 leading cancer centers devoted to patient care, research, and education, is dedicated to improving the quality, effectiveness, and efficiency of cancer care so that patients can live better lives.

Their mesothelioma treatment guide book, which was published in collaboration with the Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation, will in the future include pembrolizumab and nivolumab +/- ipilimumab as options for “subsequent systemic treatment.”

Dr. James Stevenson, an oncologist at the Cleveland Clinic, and a member of the Meso Foundation’s Science Advisory Board, is a member of the review panel of the NCCN.
“I was happy to see that these have been added as options given the data that have been presented to date. The drugs are clearly active in meso and unfortunately there are not going to be randomized data forthcoming in the second or third-line setting with these agents. In addition, we know that there are no significantly effective treatments after front-line pem/platinum (also known as Alimta/cisplatin),” said Dr. Stevenson.

On the heels of a lively debate about off-label treatment at the International Symposium on Malignant Mesothelioma  this year, Dr. Stevenson believes that patients need to be able to access these drugs at some point in their treatment.

“Yes, the main goal is to get these patients on clinical trials but I don’t want somebody to miss out on a chance at life-changing treatment if they can’t get on a study either,” he said. 

Mavis Nye Foundation in association with Shield Environmental Services
The story of living with Mesothelioma….

I will be speaking at the Contamination Expo And I will also be on the Shield Environmental Stand Meeting and Greeting so please come and say hello. I will walk around the Exhibition as I want to meet IATP, UKATA and many more.

I’m now in the Contamination Expo 2017 Brochure