I have been silent as Ray and I have both had the Virus again. So much coughing and a very sore eye that I couldnt open my eyes as we travelled to the Marsden on Monday.

I felt so unsociable as the Nurses were kind and the Doctor gave me a prescription of drops so I gradually opened my eyes.

I have rested all week and each day we waited for the news from Kent Uni that I have had to keep so secret. I went last week to finalise all the details of the day and my cape is all ordered.

So at last yesterday It was twittered

Campaigners Mavis @grandmamavis and Ray Nye, who promote awareness of the asbestos-related cancer #mesothelioma, will receive their honorary Doctor of the

University degrees a graduation ceremony @RochesterCathed on 9 July, starting at 10.30 #KentGrads










So I feel the cork is out of the bottle.

I have had so many messages and comments from such lovely friends who all seem so happy for us. It is an honour -a huge honour but I dont do all this work for honours I just want Asbestos Awareness and a cure for Mesothelioma so if Im playing a small part alongside so many activists then Iam fulfilling my part in a larger world.

The University are excited as they havent done a couple before and they were worried how we will go up on the stage, Ray and I solved that as we will go together and give a speech together

In fact they have listed us as —  Mavis and Ray Nye are campaigners who use social media and advocacy to promote awareness of the asbestos-related cancer Mesothelioma. They are the first married couple to receive honorary degrees together from the University of Kent. They will receive their honorary Doctor of the University degrees at a ceremony at Rochester Cathedral on 9 July, starting at 10.30.


Im so pleased another first ha ha !!!!

And to be with such great people and many friends

Well Im back done to earth and getting ready to travel to Scotland to Edinburgh next Tuesday to the ROSPA Conference we can toast the news in some real whiskey