We have so many facts and figures about Mesothelioma deaths in the UK and around the world.
The latest information shows:

  • There were 2,515 mesothelioma deaths in Great Britain in 2014, a similar number to the 2,556 deaths in 2013, and 2,549 deaths in 2012.
  • The latest projections suggest that there will continue to be around 2,500 deaths per year for the rest of this current decade before annual numbers begin to decline.
  • The continuing increase in annual mesothelioma deaths in recent years has been driven mainly by deaths among those aged 75 and above.
  • In 2014 there were 2,101 male deaths and 414 female deaths.
  • There were 2,130 new cases of mesothelioma assessed for Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit (IIDB) in 2015 compared with 2,215 in 2014.
  • Men who worked in the building industry when asbestos was used extensively are now among those most at risk of mesothelioma.

Just numbers that we read but there are personal stories behind these fact and figure’s.

On Facebook we collect together and share our fright and our fears, we become friends and meet up at Mesothelioma UK Patients Carers Conference in October. Or in offices at meetings to sort will the problems out this brings together Lawyers, Doctors, Support Groups and we thrash out asbestos in schools etc and ways to make the world understand how we need more research and we need treatments.

At last we do seem to be on more people s radar The Victor Dahdaleh Foundation– the charitable organisation of Canadian entrepreneur and philanthropist Victor Dahdaleh has signed a formal agreement to donate £5 million to the British Lung Foundation to fund mesothelioma research in the UK. The donation, which matches government funding announced last year, was made official at a signing ceremony in the House of Lords today. It is the largest ever made to the BLF.The funding will support the development of new treatments for the disease by a combined research team from the University of Leicester, Papworth Hospital NHS Foundation Trust in Cambridge, and the government-funded National Mesothelioma Research Centre at Imperial College in London.
Speaking at the ceremony, Victor Dahdaleh said the Foundation was confident that the team would be able to deliver tangible benefits for patients.

“We are delighted to be working in coordination with the British Lung Foundation, the UK Department of Health, and the research team to support the quest for new treatments for this terrible disease.
“The UK already has leading expertise in mesothelioma research, and we believe that by working together in this way we can do even more. The professionalism we have already seen from everyone involved has been second-to-none.”

In an additional move towards greater collaboration between research centres, the British Lung Foundation has formed a Mesothelioma Research Network, involving the programmes at Leicester, Papworth and Imperial together with other specialist mesothelioma centres across the UK.

This matches the news that The Chancellor’s Budget 2016 announcement that the government would give £5m to establish a National Mesothelioma Centre of Excellence was greeted with surprise by many who work with asbestos disease victims and those campaigners who have sought to raise funding for many years. Mesothelioma research has been underfunded in the past and the governments initiative was welcomed.
Meetings are being held that I attend and the plans are going into action
It is all very exciting news but it is all in the future and last week I had to light the Mesowarrior Candle 3 times.

It breaks our hearts all the suffering this brings to families.
I just wanted all my asbestos contacts to know how we appreciate all you do to irradiate the poison from our buildings etc etc
My contacts are growing by the day, Im so grateful for all the help you give me.

I copy to FaceBook retweet and share all your knowledge and Photos as I share all the photos the boys put on Facebook here with you all.
I get wonderful messages and conversations with so many and have met up with you at the Contamination Excel Exhibition (I will be there this year ) and now I’m being asked to speak at more and more of your conferences where we do our double act as Ray talks about the guilt of bring the dust home on his clothes.

I have a huge talk coming up with a Lawyers Conference so that is very daunting but I have written a speech from asking the Mesowarriors on F/B if they had just one question what would it be.

I often do this about many subjects involving our illness then I can get their worries and fears across to the Doctors etc etc.


Niki Strange on the death of her wonderful Grandmother said — Have just lost the most beautiful, loving, funny, selfless and naughty Nanny anyone could ever wish for, the hole she has left if unbearable. Please everyone give her a loving, happy thought because she was the most perfect Nan anyone could ever ask for ❤️ we will drink sherry and giggle some more don’t you worry. I love you so so much xxxxxxx

Racheal Place said -Today is definitely one of the saddest of my life as I had to say goodbye to my beautiful loving mum, the best mum and best friend a girl could ask for Carol Place You’ll always be in my thoughts and my heart mum and will be sorely missed by me and all the people, friends and family, who’s lives you enriched. Rest in peace mum you put up a good fight but it’s time for you to be at peace with the angels.Love you to the stars and back and I’ll be talking to you everyday like I always do xxx
Pauline Starr on the death of her beloved Adrian said:

“Mavis you’re wonderful you give us hope to carry on and the impact of keytruda on your cancer is amazing. Long may it continue … However only a percentage of sufferers will respond to keytruda and other immunotherapy drugs.”

  1. There needs to be more funding allocated to research – no doubt said many many times….though there’s no incentive for drug companies to be involved.
  2. Though this is a subject I know little about I do know about the anguish of being a carer, of holding the hand of a loved one during the hospital treatments, the what seems like hours in waiting rooms for appointments and in helping nurse at home during the final weeks of life. Our local Macmillan nurses were amazing and the support provided enabled Adrian to spend his final weeks at home.

So I once again I give a huge thank you to you all for your dedication to Asbestos and the huge problem of managing and removal but above all please keep safe and don’t cut corners your safety is important as well.

Please use any of my videos on my web pages in your presentations it is why I do them so anyone can share.
