What a week.

We set off last Thursday after dropping Louis to the kennels.

He does seem to love it there and runs in to greet the lovely owner and all the kennel maids who make a fuss of him. So many dogs there as it is still a busy time with owners off on holiday so he had many to talk to.

We travelled to London and then tube to Paddington for the reading train and that all went very smoothly.
We arrived at the IBIS hotel I was enthralled with the bathroom as it was a unit in the corner of the bedroom.

We had to go off to meet our Mesowarriors as I had arranged with Pam to go out for a meal, she insisted on paying.

We had a great meal out and caught up on all the news. Next day we went to Boyce Turner as I had been asked to talk.


Mesothelioma and Lung Cancer Study Day
Friday 22 September 2017, 9.30 am – 4.30 pm
09.30 Welcome (Chairperson) and refreshments
09.45 Dr Stephen Ellis
Consultant Thoracic Radiologist
“The radiology of asbestos related diseases and their mimics”
10.25 Dr Sam Hare
Consultant Chest Radiologist, Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust
“Ambulatory Lung Biopsy – a new model for the UK”
11.10 Break
11.20 Scott Bentley
Operations Director, Resource and Environmental Consultants Ltd
“Asbestos in the workplace”
12.00 Simon Levene
Barrister, 12KBW
“What happens in meso litigation from the patient’s perspective?”
12.40 Lunch
1.25 Anne Moylan
Clinical Nurse Specialist, Mesothelioma UK
“Trials in mesothelioma care”
2.05 Mavis Nye
Surviving mesothelioma victim
“The Mavis Nye Foundation”
2.50 Break
3.00 Jane Canavan and Charlotte Merriman
“Thoracic Surgery Rehabilitation”
3.40 Dr Alan McKenna
Associate Law Lecturer, The University of Kent
“A critical analysis of issues across the asbestos spectrum”
4.20 Closing comments (Chairperson)

It was soon all over and we went back to the hotel room next day we travelled by train and surprised my Brother and SIL. We had a good chat and the time soon went as we had to get back to meet friends for the evening.

He still looks shocked xx

We then travelled to Waterloo and then travelled on the Jubilee line to Canary Wharf to settle into the Britannia Hotel.

Caught a taxi to Covent Garden to meet Yvonne Waterman and Geoff Fary, former Chairman of the Australian Asbestos Safety and Eradication Council

Had a lovely meal in a nearby restaurant and returned to our hotel tired but happy x


This was a heavy 2 days but we worked our way through all the speeches. Lucky I was early and once again I was happy with my talk.

Program 2017 ‘Asbestos & Industry’ – 25 & 26 September 2017, Hilton Canary Wharf Hotel, London

On Monday 25 September 2017, the EAF conference will host ’round table’ workshops in which participants will meet many speakers face to face and freely discuss in-depth on a wide variety of asbestos related topics. This has proven to be the ideal formula for meeting relevant specialists, exchanging knowledge and building up lasting networks.
A delicious buffet lunch is included and will be open from 12:30 to 13:30 hours, after which the workshops will go on until 16:30 hours.
On Tuesday 26 September 2017, the EAF Conference will take place, concluded by an optional conference dinner. Please note that speakers and presentations may be subject to change. See below for further details.

08.30 – 09.00
Registration and light continental breakfast
09.00- 09.15
Welcome by Yvonne Waterman (EAF Foundation)
Introduction of the Conference Chairman, Hans van der Wart (KIWA Compliance International), and Session Chairmen Mark Winter (Beacon International) and Ron Symonds (Royal Mail Group)

Plenary Session
09.15 – 09.45
Opening Speech, by Dr. Penny Woods (British Lung Foundation)
09.45- 10.05
Are Frameworks killing quality? Matthew Timms (Silverwood Ltd.)
10.05 – 10.30
A Mesowarrior’s Journey, Mavis Nye BCAh (Mavis Nye Foundation)
10.30 – 10.45

Break and refreshments
10.45 – 11.15
Shaken and stirred: asbestos response after natural disasters, Terry Coleman (Coleman Consulting Ltd New Zealand and Pacifica Environmental Ltd Fiji)
11.15 – 11.45
Keynote Speech: Role of a Trade Association in the Asbestos Removal Industry, Stephen Sadley (ARCA)
11.45 – 12.45
Buffet lunch

Photo exhibition by Tony Rich (Asbestorama)

Session A
Asbestos and its impact on society
12.45 – 13.05
Asbestos and its effect on English society, Harry Steinberg QC (12 King’s Bench Walk)
13.05 – 13.25
Challenges for insurers regarding asbestos in industry, Christian Lahnstein (Rachel Carson Center, University of Munich)
13.25- 13.45
Raising asbestos awareness in the workplace, Jasper Kosters (Admanstars)
13.45 – 14.05
Real risk versus perceived risk, prof. Roger J. Willey (UKATA)
14.05 – 14.20
Break and refreshments
14.20- 14.40
Building national consensus around asbestos management – the Australian experience, Geoff Fary (former Chairman of the Australian Asbestos Safety and Eradication Council
14.40 – 15.00
The Portuguese approach to asbestos in industry, Ana Nogueira (Portuguese Dep. de Saude Ambiental, Unidade de Ar e Saude Ocupational)
15.00 – 15.20
New developments in the treatment of Malignant Mesothelioma, prof. Nico van Zandwijk (former Director of the Asbestos Diseases Research Institute)
15.20 – 15.40
Asbestos still kills – what difference can YOU make?, Colette Willoughby (BOHS)
15.40- 16.20
Panel debate
16:20 – 16.35
Break and refreshments
Session B
Asbestos & Professional perspectives
12.45 – 13.05
Complex projects for a simple product, Hein Tersteeg (Asis-t, active for ExxonMobil Rotterdam)
13.05 – 13.25
Removing asbestos in a nuclear environment, Mark Winter (Beacon International)
13.25 – 13.45
The Global Game Changer, Dale Timmons (ARI Global Technologies)
13.45 – 14.05
Compliance in industry, Dr. Martin Gibson (HSE)
14.05 – 14.20
Break and refreshments
14.20 – 14.40
Delivering ‘real reassurance’ asbestos air testing, Charles Pickles (Lucion Services Ltd)
14.40 – 15.00
Putting asbestos policy into practice at a major airport, Jeroen Kersten (Sodexo)
15.00 – 15.20
The global asbestos industry and the worldwide pursuit of justice, Brendan J. Tully (Phillips & Paolicelli LLP)
15.20 – 15.40
The summit of the bell curve: UK asbestos litigation, Malcolm Keen (BLM Law)
15.40 – 16.20
Panel debate
16:20 – 16.35
Break and refreshments

Plenary session in the Grand Ballroom
16.35 – 16.40
Special Recognition Award
16.40 – 16.45
Concluding speech, Yvonne Waterman and Hans van der Wart (KIWA Compliance International)
16.45 – 18.00
Convivial closing drinks for networking
18.00 – 21.00
Optionally: Conference Dinner
The foundation aims to improve international relations and knowledge regarding all matters related to health and safety, asbestos in particular. The foundation was founded in 2014 by Yvonne Waterman Ph.D. LL.M., who serves as its President.

Welcome to the 3rd EAF conference on 26 September 2017: ‘Asbestos & Industry’
Location: the Hilton Canary Wharf Hotel on South Quay, Marsh Wall, London. Dates: 25 September 2017 (workshops) and 26 September 2017 (conference)
This year, we will examine many aspects surrounding the main topic: asbestos in industry. What does this mean to society, to the economy, the environment? What are the problems and the solutions to share in this regard? Speakers from across Europe, the United States, Australia and New-Zealand will give exciting and very varied presentations.
Many professional organisations are contributing speakers to the conference: HSE, ARCA, UKATA, TICA-ACAD, etc. The presentations will be very practical and challenging, such as removing asbestos in a nuclear reactor (Beacon) or a petrochemical plant (ExxonMobil) or how to change asbestos waste into a safe product (WISG). There will be top-level lawyers from England and the United States to provide a legal perspective, as well as speakers to provide an insurance or medical view on the latest developments. The accountancy firm BDO will explain how to save money when removing asbestos in industrial sites; and so on!

While the EAF is focused on professionals of all kinds, asbestos victims organisations are welcomed, too. Indeed, the British Lung Foundation and Mrs. Mavis Nye BCAh, England’s most well-known asbestos victim, will give thought-provoking presentations as well.
If this brief line-up is not already sufficient reason to attend… Consider this.

The European Asbestos Forum strives to improve professional networks and the exchange of the very best and newest knowledge regarding all matters related to asbestos – across borders and sectors. Sharing the best innovations, the newest insights, the best practices. Learning from each other’s mistakes and successes. This is where you truly learn more about asbestos and make useful new contacts to bring your own work to a higher level.

Meet your national and foreign colleagues and become part of the international asbestos network for professionals: the European Asbestos Forum.

Thank you Yvonne for all hospitality it was a very successful conference even if I did pinch your phone.

I will blog the Contamination Expo tomorrow as you can see It has been a really full week with so much travel involved.