I just dont know where to start!

I have had the most awesome experience in Scotland at the invite of ROSPAhttps://www.rospa.com/

No not the Royal Society of Road Safety that is just part of it but the Royal Society of the Prevention of Accidents. I seem to have moved into the area of prevention of Accidents which is really correct, we should prevent things happening rather than have to keep repairing after the event.

So that sets the scene of why I was travelling 4.5 hours out of Kings Cross to Edinburgh on Tuesday

RoSPA Scotland Conference 2019

This event is now fully booked

May 1, 2019 – DoubleTree by Hilton Edinburgh City Centre

The 2019 Scotland Conference returns on May 1, 2019 and in its 25th year will be supported by the HSE.

The Conference is the annual event for the health and safety community in Scotland. It’s a unique opportunity to discuss key issues facing professionals, through a range of updates case studies and interactive sessions.

The Scotsman had written a great piece to welcome us to this event https://www.scotsman.com/health/asbestos-victim-bids-to-prevent-deaths-with-work-safety-drive-1-4916199?fbclid=IwAR18_u-tptYFVh5AQtLKYpuUl4OrLc-QsyWT3nTsLalONmjosiI2q67r2Vw

Asbestos victim bids to prevent deaths with work safety drive

That headline was going to stick in my mind when I met David Foy and his Locher Project. But im jumping so back to arriving after a wonderful journey as we passed through Durham and saw the wonderful Cathedral that my ancestors on my Fathers side saw as the set off to work in the shipyards in 1800’s.and Newcastle as well –yes I have Geordie blood in my veins is that why Im such a determined woman ha ha !!

Then all the Northumberland coast line where and into Edinburgh.

We were soon in the hotel and had a great nights sleep.









09:00 Registration, refreshments and exhibition

09:30 Welcome and introduction from the Chair
Errol Taylor, Chief Executive, RoSPA

09:35 Tackling work related ill health conditions
Martin McMahon, HM Inspector of Health and Safety, HSE and Robert Atkinson, Organisational Lead (Occupational Health and Safety, NHS Health Scotland

  • Reviewing the findings from the PHASS Scottish Health and Work Summit held on 1st November 2018
  • Update on progress to tackle the big three work related health conditions
  • What you can do, to make a difference

10:05 Staying Alive: working at height panel debate

10:35 HSE investigations and you
Barry Baker, Head of Operations (Scotland), HSE

  • Why the HSE investigate
  • How the HSE investigate
  • What are the likely outcomes

11:05 Refreshments, exhibition and networking

11:25 The Scottish Mentally Flourishing Workplaces Collaborative
Shirley Windsor, Organisational Lead for Public Mental Health, NHS Health Scotland

11:55 Implementing workplace wellbeing initiatives
Kevin Daniels, Professor of Organisational Behaviour, University of East Anglia
Kevin’s talk will cover emerging findings of a review of the scientific literature on implementing workplace wellbeing initiatives. It will draw on case studies of organisations that have successfully implemented multifaceted wellbeing programmes and it will cover the specific areas of action required to make initiatives sustainable

12:25 Safety Party! What is your vision?
This is your chance to discuss the chosen hot topics with today’s speakers and present your opinions to your fellow colleagues.

12:55 Lunch, exhibition and networking

13:45 Personal and Organisational mentoring : routes to success
Dave Foy, Health & Safety Manager, Prestons College and John Johnston, Health, Safety and Radiation Advisor, TechnipFMC

  • The benefits of mentoring
  • The strengths of a mentor and how can you use your skills
  • The power of interpersonal skills in improving OHS standards and performance

David has asked Ray and I to help the LocherProject and I didnt hesitate as it is just what I enjoy, working with the young people 


14:15 The Journey 
Mavis Nye, President, Mavis Nye Foundation
It really began in the 1950`s when aged 15 Mavis met Ray who was to become her lifelong  partner. 49 years later, Mavis was suddenly aware her breathing was laboured and made an urgent appointment with her GP. She was given the news she had mesothelioma and life expectancy of about 3 months. Mavis will share her story of how she was unknowlingly exposed to asbestos in this presentation.

Ray had people in tears again as usual his story of the past fitted in so well we must prevent it happening in the future.

But sadly my slides proved it was still carrying on now Asbestos is all around us.

14:45 Driving offences – minimising the risks of prosecution
Katherine Metcalfe, Senior Associate, Pinsent Masons

  • How to guard against employees committing driving offences
  • When things do go wrong, protecting the organisation and supporting employees
  • Common pitfalls
  • Interest from the Traffic Commissioner for Scotland

15:30 Call to action
Dr Karen McDonnell, RoSPA OHS Policy Adviser, Head of RoSPA Scotland

Karen is a wonderful passionate about safety she also wants me to work closely with her –how can I refuse ha !!

15:45 Closing remarks from Chair

It was a great day and thank you all for such a interesting day.