
The garden is thinking its really spring as everything is coming to life in the garden. Some daisies have not stopped growing and flowering all winter. The garden doesn’t know what to do about the weather.

A sink hole has appeared on our Motorway thank goodness it was on the Central reservation and not in the road as this is a busy Motorway and that would really have cause ructions.

Highways Agency experts are examining the hole – the size of a double decker bus – which is believed to have been caused by recent heavy rainfall.

they have been doing tests in case there is more problems down there.


We have been discussing Juicing and the latest juicer that uses every bit of the fruit and Veg The Bomb-?? Oh no the bullet —


Nutribullet is the super food extractor that completely breaks down your food to get all the essential nutrition! Dont juice it, dont blend it extract it!

So we are looking forward to that coming as I make so much mess with my juicer and so hard to wash and clean it.

The leg isn’t painful today so I haven’t looked at it as I don’t want to disturb it so that it can recover and fill the hole in.

I haven’t been out as the wind and rain has been awful so after lunch we were so bored and I said to Ray I would love a declutter again so Ray said Ok when Now?? Off we started and have gone mad in the kitchen. Anything I haven’t used in 6 months has gone. If I miss it I can buy a new one. But I had carrier bags inside carrier bags really funny. Old saucepans appeared from the cupboards Ray made me in the kick board under the kitchen covers –I forgot they were there and have just bought a new set. Plastic boxes that Ice cream comes in I keep just in case they were needed. 10 of those !!!  So we have loads of room now–errr what could I buy to fill that up with. he he!!

I must say the news today of Shirley Temple was so sad. I know she was 85 years old but she gave us so much pleasure with her Childhood films. I have watched so many as I enjoyed her lovely coy face and the sweet songs she sung.

Photo: R.I.P Shirley Temple.  We are saddened to hear that former Hollywood child star Shirley Temple has died, aged 85.

Goodnight xx

http://mesoandme.wordpress.com/2014/02/11/tuesday-84/ Rays Blog xxx