Taking it Easy
Well we went away for Bank Holiday Wk End. She had a great time. Meeting Old Friends. The weather was great. We had a bit of rain at night and a bit windy but we are both burnt to a crisp. She has enjoyed it and she did so well.
Our Terry singing my favourite “Sway “http://rayandmave.co.uk/test.aspx
Just to say Hello!! folks,
Thought I would catch up on finding the info through the mhf site.
I am pleased you are enjoying your time camping whilst you can Mavis, we both know how froughtful our own lives are at present, but with our families and friends we can keep on going.
You have a lovely motorhome, make the most of it whilst you can,unfortunately we had to sell ours because I was not in a state to be able to drive for months, even now, my drving is very limeted to good days and unfortunately Chris is unable to drive a large vehicle, we have achieved a lot by her getting back in the driving seat of the car in three years since her hip operation.
Our old motorhome is still going strong, you may know that Leo and Penny, whoare very good friends of ours are the new owners and are taking very good care of it, they have been several times to see us and it is great to be able to sit and relax in the seats and enjoy a meal as well.
We bought the new Chausson Welcome 28 in June 2008 hoping it would give us 10 years retirement luxury which we saved for years for, unfortunately we sold it in March this year, but we got six months great use out of it, we also managed to complete almost three years motorhoming in total since our traveling began.
As you know we have made many, many friends through motorhomes and the mhf group, something we can cherish forever.
I am having a bad day today, yesterday was grand, I did far too much, today I can’t muster enough strength to do anything, so thought I would just read some posts on mhf and other sites and found this along with the asbesosis sites.
I have to update my web sites but have beenunable to get into them for some time for some reason, the info has unsychronised for I and cant get the FTP to connect, and my brain is zilch at the moment so it is time to go for a rest and try again later.
Keep well y’both,
Peter n Chris xx
Hi Peter. Thank you for your comments. Ive emailed you with reply.
Mavis and Ray
We had a lovely weekend didn’t we and all I can say is your boy done good. Really enjoyed meeting you both. Keep positive and just enjoy each day.
Sonja and Kevin xx
Hi Sonja.
Yes it was a good weekend, a bit windy but then it was on the beach. I m glad you enjoyed it, Terry is better when he does a show, the Karake is just a laugh nothing serious for him.
My drain is out now see last blog.TTFN Mavis and Ray xx
Nice to hear you are both cheerful and fighting through this, it is good that the drain is now out and the radiotherapy for 6 months should prove beneficial if they can prevent any more cancer from growing, after this ew hope you will be in remission andthingsa remain stable for some years, because no one know with this illness.
There is a lady who used to attend our hospice for 5 years, and she was upset she had to be dismissed, but she has been clear of cancer for 5 years now, is that not better than coming to a day centre where someone with cancer needs to go? Hmmmmmmmmmmm, makes you think, I would rather be dismissed from the centre that still have the disesae!!:-)
I go once a week and it is a good day out for me and it give me chance to discuss the subject with othr people.
Me, I am still waiting for answers, no chemo to start until they decide if it worth the expense! can’t do the Stent until they complete the overdue scan to decide whether it can be done and how often. the condition Cholangiocarcinoma, details here: http://www.cancerbackup.org.uk/Cancertype/Bileduct/Bileductcancer#2007 explains the problems, although in my case the cancer has already spread to the rest of my body.
But we are keeping fighting through this just like yourselves and we admire your courage, it is good that you are making the most of your life and getting around camping, enjoying yourselves and meeting new people!
Keep smiling!
Peter n Chris xx
Peter I hope you are doing alright.
Im thinking of you all the time and wishing you love and Chris as well.
Im still coping thanks to all the friends we have
Love Mavis