I have had a lovely day busy and exciting at times .

My lovely Doctor at St Barts has emailed for info of my treatment so far. He wanted a list so I have given it  to him .

Thankyou for replying
I had Cisplatin and Alimita
Then the Trial At Maidstone that didnt stop growth of vinorelbine and Phase 3 NGR-hTNF  
Alimita/Cisplatin  but after 2  I became so sick and allergic but it worked and there was a reduction
Gem/carbo hasnt worked It seems that there is further deterioration when compared to the previous scan. The previously seen pieural based  Opacities ( in lungs is the part that  consists of the supporting structures such as pulmonary vessels, bronchi, and connective tissue) in the left lung have slightly increased in sized.
The marker tumour has increased to 3.0×2.5cm from 2.7×1.9cm this lies in aortic arch this one is very sore when i touch the area.
Anothermarker opacity in the line of the oblique fissure measures 3.8×2.4cm. before it measured 3.6×2.2ccm.
there is no pleural effusion. there is no evidence of lung mass in the right lung. in the abdomen there is no significant lympnadenopathy.(Lymphadenopathy is a broad term meaning “disease of the lymph nodes”, and is often used as a synonym for swollen or enlarged lymph nodes. )
A 1cm lession in the liver no significant change. Right kidney is atrophic  (complete wasting away of a part of the body I do know that since I was 2years old the left kidney is very strong and has served me well through chemos . bless it xx
So really this is good news, I know you wouldnt think it was something to be happy about but from where Im standing it means the growth is very small and that prvious chemos had shrink it all down. The measurements are not what it was when I went in for the 3 rd Chemo when that marker was 17cm.
I told Doc Chominos that  I dont want any treatment until I have got my body stronger. Walking with a stick because I fall over is not where I want to be.
She was happy with that and said she backs me all the way. If I feel distressed about any pains etc etc because I thought it was growing faster to call her. She has tried to get me into a trial but they have said there is no trials for 4th liners. She said I dont understand why they said that. Now to hear her say that makes me think If I was to push it she would get me in. But I just want to sit back and lick my wounds and then pounce.
Hope this gives you a good ground to work on –but I can see 5th line hasnt been catered for yet But I hope they catch up with me surviving so long and still have a good mind and still campaigning.
Love from Mavis
 I hope they can work out what I have had and if they have something for me to try out.
Well then Lord Saatchi has made an announcement  Calling all Meso Warriors!!!!!!
The Secretary of State for health, Jeremy Hunt , is putting the bill out for public consultation. If there is enough support for this bill through the consultation then the Bill will become Law. This could be a big step forward for us all.
I would urge you all to take a look at this www.saatchibill.tumblr.com and send your support. Their aim is to achieve the biggest response ever to a such a consultation . They only have this one chance and if it fails there is no second chance.
I signed in and then it was tweeted by IATP and Lord Saatchi tweeted to me that he is following my Blog. I get moments when Im speechless and this was one of them. I almost stood up and did a curtsy. A very humbling moment Sir.
So come on everyone lets get behind this Bill and support my new friend xx
Then the day got very sad. Jans friend came on Facebook and told us the news, we sort of had expected , but didnt want to happen. Jan had the very huge dose of Radiotherapy last Friday and has been in great pain ever since. Her friend told us she had fallen into a sleep and her husband was with her and her two very large dogs where with her.
Jan was diagnosed in 2004 and she had the operation where they take the lining of the lung away –called debullking.
They give you a false diaphragm. After 10 years and a lot of pain the Meso broke out to the stomach and other areas. She has had to have a drain in to the stomach as the fluids built up.
So here pathway is becoming shorter.
Keep fighting Jan my dear friend I said I wasn’t going to get close to anyone after Debbie shocked my world. Well we did get very close didn’t we and whispered so much that we didn’t tell the world. Our real feelings of how frightened we were and how we didn’t want to leave our families. I kept telling you off for not being positive but you told me off on the times I was negative as we were from time to time . Goodnight and have a lovely sleep tonight then you might feel a little stronger in the morning.