Another day of wind and rain.

We went out for a ride in the car and to give the dog a better walk. The fields were all water logged and where ever there was a slight slope the water had become huge  puddles.

The poor horses that were standing in wet fields looked a sorry sight.

When we got to Sturry I could see the river Stour was running very full and had spread into a the ground around it so it was near to the road. We parked the car and walked back to have a look, The flow was so fast.


Over to the right you can see the extra water which is nearer to the road.


This is normal a small river nearer to Canterbury it has really spread into the countryside.

We walked back and moved the car over to M&S and dis some shopping of their food. I love a weekend treat and they do some nice food, if a little dear but who cares the quality is there.

On the way home we saw the Salt Marshes as we have never seen them before. They are really flooding now even though the farmer has dug all the Dykes out. They would really flood the whole are  if he hadnt worked hard last year.

The main road is on a hill so you get a good view but when we were down low again we could only see a couple of fields.


They dont look so impressive.

Its funny when we see birds floating on them.

Look at the black cloud we are getting used to seeing them.

It actually turned out to be a great sunny day but by the evening that all changed and we have had a very windy and wet night. The gusts were so very strong. We didnt have any damage though.

In the night My leg itched away and I ended up scratching. I thought I was bleeding to got up and went to the bathroom, it wasnt blood it was fluid. So I had to smother in the Epaderm ointment I have from the doctor. I really thought I had beaten the Eczema caused by the fluid up I have from the Chemo days.

The skin has now all peeled of and is very painful. Oh dear another battle to get the skin to heal.been so painful this week so I have had a good week. Just the fact I keep going very hoarse. I have got throat sweets for that and they do help.

Someone has hacked my computer again. I have new passwords but still they have sent out emails from me. It is so annoying and embarrassing

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