It was a lovely warm day again today so Ray said lets get out for a ride around the coast so I was soon ready as I had been up so early anyway, 4am I think so all the housework was done.
Off we went through Whitstsable and a woman walked straight over the road without looking, that happens often here as people are just strolling and on holiday so there common sense seems to go.
We called at Tankerton to allow Louis to have a good run in his favourite place
We then drove on around the coastline. to Hernebay and low and behold a man walked up the centre of the road instead of crossing and going back on the pavement. What was wrong with people today they were making us very nervous.
We arrived at the slope at Hernebay at the downs there and got out and had a nice walk on the top of the Downs
- Lovely views from up here
We came home again and had lunch and i caught up with some sleep while Ray was painting his picture. My leg is a lot better today thank goodness
We have to go to a Warriors Funeral tomorrow in Maidstone as we are saying goodbye to Our darling Ronnie, bless here. Such a sad day but I have also got to go to my Drug appointment but the Doctor and the Nurse said just come when you can and we will get the drug made up for me, that was very sweet and caring. Rays blog as a carer
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