I have had a good day (I love being able to say that) I do get watery eyes sometimes but I don’t give into it as that is a unpositive  thing to do and my nasty might take advantage of me when I feel sorry for myself so I look in a mirror and smile again.
I’m have problems with swollen ankles so the water tablets are in use again and that means a rushing to the loo every time I have a coffee.
The bathroom has become my second room in all this, throwing up through Chemo and now weeing for England.
Well the day started early as we are both going to bed late but getting up early because of the lighter mornings and the birds sounding like they have hob nailed boots on as they run across the roof.
I keep waiting for the return of the Heron as they build their nest on the Marshes and then I will know spring is here although it was very misty over the countryside so I wouldn’t have seen them today anyway.
Rod skyped me and Ray which was lovely but as we talked we had 3 phone calls at the same time so Ray answered for me as Rod and I chatted away about the progress of Julie his Partner.
We had lunch of salmon and salad and everywhere smelt fishy but it tasted lovely.
Of we went to Tankerton with Louis but Whitstable High Street packed and very busy and then remembered it was Market day which does attract people even though it is very small in the Winter, but people like the quaint High Street and little shops and of coarse the Harbour that I so often talk about.
We pulled up at Tankerton Slopes and it was really misty out to sea and I couldn’t see the Wind Farm.
Louis ran around mad as we played with his ball and he loves dropping it down the slopes, little devil.
A man was getting out of his car with a bible in his hand and I thought, err whats he going to do read me my last rites but no he asked us which way to walk to town. So I told him to go down the slopes and walk the lovely walk alone the promenade as it was trying to brighten up and it wasnt cold.
Louis carried on playing with his ball and had a good time with 2 other dogs.

A Misty day at sea


Looking to Sheppy

We got back to the car and went to Tesco’s and bought food and Ray bought a lovely wireless for the Motorhome as we keep using the cab one and Im always worried about running the car battery down when we are parked up.
After we got back home and we had unloaded the car of all the shopping and the dog Ray went off to park the car in the car park and meet the man almost opposite, who had been to see his brother in hospital and he said how foggy it was everywhere on the roads to and throw Canterbury, he had his little Jack Russel with him as he had collected him from a very kind neighbour who loves walking him while his owner is out. These dogs are really spoilt around here its really sweet.
I  then put all the shopping away and that left me free to pop round and have a chat with my friend as I treated her to a bunch of Tulips while I was shopping and that bought a smile to her face.
Came back and made dinner so I had a chicken Salad with a Jacket Potato which I really enjoyed and then washed up and watched my soaps and that’s the evening gone but I have had a good day.