Safety and Health

  • Thousands of innovative health and safety products from 300+ H&S suppliers
  • 75+ hours of CPD-accredited seminar sessions on mental health, legislation, case studies, investigation, leadership and technology
  • Networking opportunities with over 14,000 health and safety and HR professionals
  • Workplace Wellbeing Show, featuring a Wellness Wall by IWFM
  • Safety Technology Zone
  • Complete access to neighbouring shows in security, facilities management, fire safety and wellbeing

Safety & Health Expo 2019 | ExCeL London | 

Thats where Ray and I travelled Thursday first to Stratford International then onto the weird train that is the

DLR station soon after opening in 2011

The Docklands Light Railway extension to Stratford International consists of a short new line from Stratford International to Stratford station, then continues along the former North London Line route between Stratford and Canning Town, stopping at Stratford High Street (on the site of the original Stratford Market railway station), Abbey RoadWest Ham and Star Lane before joining the existing DLR branches from Canning Town to Woolwich Arsenal (during weekday peak hours only) and Beckton. Its opening was originally planned for July 2010, but was delayed to 31 August 2011.[14]

But the biggest point is NO DRIVER !!!

We arrived at Expo  We met up with my Foundations Ambassador Paul Chamberlain  Wefitrpe Ltd Accredited Fit2Fit Face Fit Testing Provider, Basildon Essex.

and Rebecca Crosland of BESA

We walked around and bumped in to so many people.

Fred Charlton Fit2fit Assessor at British Safety Industry Federation (BSIF) loads of hugs

Gary Stewart Director at Absolute RPE Solutions Ltd  even more hugs

I love networking xx

Then out the blue walking in front of me was a young woman who I have been in touch with for  long time. We have never met and yet know each other so well through Social Media

Louise Taggart who tells her brothers story. A very sad story 

Louise Taggart bravely tells the story of her brother Michael, fatally injured at work, in the hope of helping raise awareness of the fundamental importance of safe systems of work.










The time soon went and we had to travel home and we got on the wrong train and ended up in Woolwich and had to come back and then travel on to Stratford International.

You just can trust us anymore ha ha !! But we saw the London Barrier and the O2 so it was a great tour.









Home and very worn out standing on a crowded train.

Got up today with a very sore and lumpy mouth so I have had to ring the RM who say I can go to my GP and he can phone the RM for advice. My eyes are so light sensitive and Im being treated for that and have to see a specialist but over night my mouth is full of tiny lumps the tongue is sore and it has broken out onto my cheek. What a state. So off to the GP at 11.20 I will report back I have been told by a nurse that Immunotherapy is beginning to cause this side effect. I have had immunotherapy for 5 years at every 2 weeks and also 10mil/kil so I think I have been very lucky so far.

I got the appointment and saw a lovely young GP. very switched onto Mesothelioma and my drug.

he looked in my mouth and feels it is thrush. Immunotherapy can cause it.

He has given me Daktarin and took a swab to send away to confirm it.

Then he gave me a gel for my eyes Clinitas. So Im eating very soft foods and being very careful what I eat,

Then I got a email from the Royal Marsden with an appointment to go to Ashstead Private Hospital next Wednesday to see the Eye Specialist so I feel very cared for and everyone working with me.

Thankyou NHS and Thankyou RM your care is wonderful.

One more thing








If you can get to the Chatham DockYard on the 9th July at 2.30 for a Celebration please email

Joanne Tatam