Life has been a bit hectic what with both of us with cancer now.

Last Thursday we had to travel to Ashford for Rays Pet Scan. this is a long process and I was nattering away to another carer while she was waiting for her husband.

The unit is run by a private firm which surprised me

PET scans are a type of test that create 3 dimensional (3D) pictures of the inside of your body. PET stands for positron emission tomography. The PET scan uses a mildly radioactive drug to show up areas of your body where cells are more active than normal. It’s used to help diagnose some conditions including cancer.

Now we have to wait for results.

On the way home the sat/nav took us through narrow country lanes so it was great to see places we didnt know existed, but it was a lovely country ride.








Friday saw Ray at the Kent and Canterbury Hospital for a Ultra Sound on his neck and a bi-op. I sat in the car to be able to take a phone call from Ed Cook BBC

We had a long chat about a program we are filming for LASAG in Seven Oaks tomorrow 19 June.

I was amazed at how hot the car got no wonder poor dogs die in the heat. I was glad to get out and go and find Ray. He had the good news that his nodule in the throat was still very small so they are not doing a bi-op yet.

The weekend was quiet and I caught up with a bit of gardening as the rain has caused everything to grow up high and my neighbour wanted a plant of mine cut down as it had covered her house number she has swinging on a chain.

Monday (yesterday) saw us getting up at 4.30 to travel to the Marsden for my treatment. We were sailing along then on the M26 stop. A car had caught fire on the M25 at Clackets Lane.







They didnt have to close all the road so we did squeeze by and couldnt believe we arrived on time at the RM.

Bloods done we sat and waited but when i saw the Doc I told him about my eyes. They are treating my hay fever but we are now waorried about the fact i have become very light sensitive until the drops work. I will get an appointment for an eye specialist. I worry that Immunotherapy might be causing this. It freaks me out when ever I get anything wrong as I just cant stop treatment.

They are waiting until the next scan confirms the meso is growing and the put me on a new trial,

I then had an appointment as I have entered a trial for Virtual reality intervention.

Safe space

SafeSpace is a unique app for Android and iOS mobile devices, providing immediate access to a sensory room experience wherever and whenever it is required.

The software has been designed to benefit children and young people with autism, learning and developmental issues or other neurological and emotional conditions; providing a solution whereby traditional methods of stimulation and support have been augmented and transformed like never before.

A Diary Of A Mesowarrior Living With #Mesothelioma #Asbestos –Rays Pet Scan and Ultrasound My day at the Royal Marsden

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Life has been a bit hectic what with both of us with cancer now.

Last Thursday we had to travel to Ashford for Rays Pet Scan. this is a long process and I was nattering away to another carer while she was waiting for her husband.

The unit is run by a private firm which surprised me

PET scans are a type of test that create 3 dimensional (3D) pictures of the inside of your body. PET stands for positron emission tomography. The PET scan uses a mildly radioactive drug to show up areas of your body where cells are more active than normal. It’s used to help diagnose some conditions including cancer.

Now we have to wait for results.

On the way home the sat/nav took us through narrow country lanes so it was great to see places we didnt know existed, but it was a lovely country ride.








Friday saw Ray at the Kent and Canterbury Hospital for a Ultra Sound on his neck and a bi-op. I sat in the car to be able to take a phone call from Ed Cook BBC

We had a long chat about a program we are filming for LASAG in Seven Oaks tomorrow 19 June.

I was amazed at how hot the car got no wonder poor dogs die in the heat. I was glad to get out and go and find Ray. He had the good news that his nodule in the throat was still very small so they are not doing a bi-op yet.

The weekend was quiet and I caught up with a bit of gardening as the rain has caused everything to grow up high and my neighbour wanted a plant of mine cut down as it had covered her house number she has swinging on a chain.

Monday (yesterday) saw us getting up at 4.30 to travel to the Marsden for my treatment. We were sailing along then on the M26 stop. A car had caught fire on the M25 at Clackets Lane.







They didnt have to close all the road so we did squeeze by and couldnt believe we arrived on time at the RM.

Bloods done we sat and waited but when i saw the Doc I told him about my eyes. They are treating my hay fever but we are now waorried about the fact i have become very light sensitive until the drops work. I will get an appointment for an eye specialist. I worry that Immunotherapy might be causing this. It freaks me out when ever I get anything wrong as I just cant stop treatment.

They are waiting until the next scan confirms the meso is growing and the put me on a new trial,

I then had an appointment as I have entered a trial for Virtual reality intervention.

Safe space

SafeSpace is a unique app for Android and iOS mobile devices, providing immediate access to a sensory room experience wherever and whenever it is required.

The software has been designed to benefit children and young people with autism, learning and developmental issues or other neurological and emotional conditions; providing a solution whereby traditional methods of stimulation and support have been augmented and transformed like never before.

I chose a beach with waves and a palm tree and looked around found foot prints in the sand and wondered who had been there.

I have completed a huge amount of questionnaires. I have 3 more sessions and they will asses if cancer patients would benefit from this.

We have so much time on our hands when in appointments I think it would be a good thing.

I will report back to you all.

So tomorrow is an exciting day filming for the BBC for LASAG I will report back on that as well.

I seem to have caught up x