What a day yesterday was, it has totally blown my mind away. Ray and I were made Doctors (Hon) by the University of Kent.

We were collected by taxi and as we came into Rochester high St saw all of young graduates in their robes walking to the cathedral for the graduation ceremony. We had been instruction; we were to head to the north door of the cathedral, where we were to be met by Simone Kraemer.

Simone was to look after us throughout the day and ensure that we were included in the day’s celebrations. Official photographs were taken before the ceremony with Simone on hand to assist us with anything that we needed. Following the photographs Simone was to escort us to the gowning room.

There were approximately 280 students graduating on the day. These were students from the School of Music & Fine Art, School of Journalism, Kent Law School and Kent Business School. There were a further 500 guests made up of the students family and friends, VIPs and academics. We were to receive our degrees and deliver our address halfway through the ceremony.

So, we had lots of photos taken in the garden of the cathedral and then went to put our robes on. Orator Louis Naylor, who we had met previously at Canterbury University and Lorna Parrot (who has been emailing us from the start before Christmas and had sworn us to secrecy) managed to keep us calm.

Then everyone lined up at the door and headed into the Cathedral. We walked around to the main door where, with the Mayor, we proceeded in line down the aisle. It was like something out of a movie with us leading the procession through the Cathedral. The fanfare had me in tears. It was UK pageantry at its best in a wonderful Cathedral that I know so well. We used to live in Rochester Kent.

So many people all turned to watch us just like our wedding day 59 years ago. I had huge smiles from my friends that were there. Brendan Tulley, a US Lawyer waved his arms at me so I just waved back. After all I had been told that Harry Hill had skipped down the aisle so I knew I wouldn’t get told off if I waved with both hands back at Brendan. He had already written on my FaceBook page — ‘I’m on my way to celebrate and honour some of the world’s best people, Mavis Nye and her husband Ray. They are being honoured for all of their incredible work standing up and fighting for asbestos victims and cancer survivors! I’m continually impressed with all they do for Meso warriors and so happy to call them my friends!’

My own brother Martin was beaming away with pride. I cannot put into words what I was feeling. It is impossible.

Please just watch the video now as this is what happened.

Ray was in tears as we finished he just broke down. I was so proud of him and so thrilled that he had been given the Honour. It is great that a Carer has been acknowledged in such a way, they are usually the unsung heroes and take a back seat.

The University of Kent had never had a couple as awardees before and they had never had a standing ovation either – you know me, first at everything on this 10 year old journey of mine. When it was all over we walked back up the aisle with the wonderful Mayor who beamed through the whole day with me as did the Chancellor and all the University staff.

I now have freedom of the University which I intend to use to the full and attend many functions but above all I’m going to have the chance to give our presentation to the students to raise awareness of Asbestos and Mesothelioma. I am so very pleased about that.

Lunch was served to us in the Crypt and we had our guests chatting away with the University Professors. Then just like that, it was all over.

We said our goodbyes and headed off to the Dockyard where Hugh James, Field Fisher and 12 Kings Bench Walk had sponsored our swaray. We had a brilliant harpist playing a lovely touch from Harry Steinberg QC.

So many presents were given to us, Flowers from IOSH; I just haven’t had time to open them as I want to make sure I have everyone’s names to send thank you notes. I will do that as we relax today.

Everyone knows how happy we are that they were there to share the day with us but there is one man I would like to thank. He is the man that nominated us as he is such a fan ours. He is a quiet shy man who has popped up at so many conferences and meetings through this 10 year journey, Dr Alan Mckenna.

Dr Mckenna obtained his PhD from the University of Kent in 2005, and in 2011 completed the Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education. He has previously been a visiting lecturer at City University London, Middlesex University, the University of Surrey, and Canterbury Christchurch University.

So thank you again to everyone who helped to make the day run so smoothly and it was lovely to have Mesowarriors join in the with us as well. Good luck to you as I know you are all on trials.

A huge thank you to Lisa Goldsworthy’s partner, mother and father for all of the donations from her funeral, it makes me feel so humble. She was a wonderful School Teacher in my local school here in Whitstable and I will make sure one of the Research Grants is in her name. I will fight the cause of Asbestos in Schools. She was so young and leaves 2 very young children. It is criminal.