Life has been busy and a whirlwind.

Since the Beacon International Cycle where they raised £5575k  my feet have touch the ground. What a wonderful sum of money and it is still rising.








We had Meso Survivors Day which I of coarse played a part on social media. I have now survived 10 years. It is mixed feelings as so many mesowarriors have lost their lives in that time All I can do is keep speaking for them. I’m a voice to keep their terrible disease in the public eye and raise all I can while I’m still here is do all I’m doing. Speaking where I can and raising Donations for research into this awful painful  asbestos disease.

I went to the Royal Marsden for my drug day. They had new growth as I reported in my last blog and now the pain is rising again in the back shoulder blade. I’m expecting the date for my Bi-Op.









4th June was our 59th wedding anniversary  a day to remember my wonderful father as he gave me away. Bless him and it is Fathers Day this Sunday.  xx

5th June we travelled to London to a Mesothelioma Alliance meeting at the GMB Offices. goodness they are are doing such a lot of building in the Eustan area it was like a obstacle coarse to get around it all.








Ray painted the shower room out Grey is the colour





































7th we went to the Kent University to meet Dr Louise Naylor who has a wide range of both academic and administrative experience in higher education and interests in supporting learning, teaching and research. She will be our Orator on the big day July 9th in Rochester Cathedral.

We showed her our speeches and we helped her with hers with all the info she needed.

We had a lovely lunch and spent a lovely couple of hours.

On the way home I called at the Garden centre and bought compost and plants. It was all to heavy for us to lift so got it delivered, we wouldn’t have got the plants in as it rained all weekend. 2 months of rain in one day is unbelievable.

June 10th my plants arrived so I was able to plant up my pots







Just got to wait for them to grow larger now















So much mint I will have to make jars of mint sauce




























11th July was a LASAG support group meet up where we made plans for Mesothelioma Action Day July 5th.

We had a great talk from Sarah Collins Operations Director Of Cancer Care Group EKUFT a really new broom sweeping very clean I have high hopes things will be better in our East Kent Hospitals

June 12th Saw us up in London again for a MNF Board meeting and planning that big day in July 9th.

So that is part one written and part 2 gets even more hetic,










A huge thank you for all the people donating you know how grateful we all are for all your kindness.